Emergency Pre-Earthquake Planning
High-rise buildings such as Fourth & Madison are structurally designed to withstand an earthquake, and are required to meet very strict building codes. The Property Management Office has undergone extensive preparation to respond to earthquakes and it is important that all occupants make certain preparations as well. Please consider the following as you make your preparations:
- Identify hazards in your work area, such as heavy objects on high shelves, heavy furniture and equipment that is not secured to the wall. Move hazards or contact the Property Management Office for advice and assistance in securing these items.
- Select safe areas in each room where you may relocate if an earthquake occurs, such as under tables or desks or against inside walls.
- Know the location of stairwell exits should it be necessary to relocate. Elevators should not be used during an earthquake.
- Develop a personal disaster plan. Since you may not be able to go home immediately, it is important that other family members know what to do.
- Put together an office emergency kit. Some suggested items are a portable (battery operated) radio, flashlight, spare batteries, tennis shoes, towelettes, non-perishable food, water and medical prescription supply to last at least 72 hours. All items should be clearly labeled and placed in a waterproof bag or container.
If there is an Earthquake
During an earthquake you are safer inside the Building than you are outside. If you feel a tremor:
And you are indoors:
- Protect yourself. Get under heavy furniture, such as a table or desk to protect yourself from glass and falling objects. If it moves about, hold on and move with it.
- Move away from windows and glass partitions, tall file cabinets and other objects that may fall.
- Move against a wall to the interior of the Building, cover and protect yourself.
- Do not use elevators. Elevators will slowly move to designated floor, stop and open. Exit the elevator cab and stay in the elevator lobby; this is the strongest part of the Building.
- Do not attempt to use stairs or evacuate the Building without being instructed to do so; there is danger of falling glass and/or debris.
And you are outdoors:
Move away from the building to avoid falling objects.
Note: Expect that during a severe earthquake, the power may go off, fire alarms may sound, and the sprinkler system may discharge. If there is any indication of fire (alarm, smoke, flames, etc.), implement fire alarm procedures immediately.
Immediately Following an Earthquake
- DO NOT attempt to evacuate office areas, as exits may be unsafe. Begin evacuation, following emergency evacuation procedures, only if called for or if fire is present. Keep in mind that aftershocks can be expected.
- DO NOT use elevators
- Carefully move toward the interior of the building to limit exposure to further damage caused by either aftershocks and/or broken glass. The elevator lobby and core are the safest areas on your floor.
- Since help may be delayed, please assist rescue crews by locating any people that may be injured, trapped or missing and if necessary:
- Call 911 if there are serious injuries.
- Do not move injured persons unless a life-threatening situation exists.
- Notify Property Management at 206.262.4100 of any serious injuries or life-threatening damage.
- Do not make telephone calls unless absolutely necessary (such as life threatening situations). Do check phones and replace any receivers that have been dislodged.
- Check with Property Management prior to flushing toilets to ensure that sewage lines are intact.
- Discourage rumors and consider the security of your tenant space and of the building.